Vou continuar a mostrar e postar as novidades, não se preocupem, foi apenas uma viagem para procurar mais novidades. E mais do que nunca, quero novamente agradecer á tudo, ao carinho, companheirismo e por todas vocês acompanharem o meu blog "Perfect Nails / Unhas Perfeitas", Estados Unidos, minha querida e amada terra Brasil, Alemanha, Suíça, Portugal, Romênia e vários outros que me acompanham sempre.
Continuem ligadas, Novidades vem por aí!
Hello people! How long, I want you to forgive me for not having shown more news for you, was a wonderful vacation and time off, but I have not stopped looking for new and more tips for you. I was in France, a beautiful place and perfect, loved it! The French are great people and dearest. Of course, that did not fail to give the news of nail fashion, are incredible. Capricho and daring is the right word to define the fashion of French nails.
I will continue to post news and show, do not worry, it was just a trip to look for more news. And more than ever, I will again thank all the affection, companionship and for all of you follow my blog "Perfect Nails / Nail Perfect", the United States, my dear and beloved Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Romania and several others who follow me forever.
Remaining attached, News comes around!
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